- 503-857-0383
- bsullivan@sselectrical.net
S&S Electrical Contractors is an Electrical Contractor located in McMinnville, Oregon. S&S is solely owned and operated by Ben Sullivan. Ben established S&S in 2010.
The original idea behind the new company was to “provide a safe and quality installation at a reasonable price” for the many customers that Ben had worked with in his
previous 15 years in the Industry. From that initial idea, S&S has grown and become one of the best respected small contractors in the area. We pride ourselves on customer service and Integrity.
We believe that having a simple approach in terms of single points of contact, allows our customers to build an expectation of trust and reliability in dealing with S&S. There will never be a question as to whom to speak with regarding an invoice that was incorrect, or who to talk with when you need to get someone scheduled to hook up
a Trash Compactor. It will always be the same voice you hear or the same email address in your Outlook. Although we understand that shear size and volume, sometimes necessitate having multiple people doing the same jobs, we at S&S have the luxury of being small enough to maintain a personal and trusting relationship with our customers, but large enough to accomplish most construction tasks or scopes.
S&S has become a well respected and reliable electrical contractor for many public entities in the surrounding area. We have completed numerous public and private projects in the last five years . Below is a list of those successful projects that we have completed or that are currently underway. If further detail is needed, please call or email so that we can provide what you need.
Dec 2021 – Present
Salem Keizer School District Gaffin Road Transportation Center – $3.75M
Gaffin Road Transportation Facility. Construction of a 36,000 square foot transit administration and maintenance building, 175 bus storage space, 236 personal vehicle spaces, a bus wash building, fuel island, associated hardscape and associated landscape.
June 2021 – Present
TS Corp Park – $1.25M
The construction of five concrete tilt up warehouse shells, site work, and public right-of-way work.
Sept 2020 – Aug 2021
Clean Water Services Forest Grove Secondary Clarifier – $450K
The project increases wet weather capacity at the plant, while improving treatment reliability during dry weather conditions. A new 120-ft diameter clarifier will be constructed to the south of the Aeration Basin, Grit Building and Headworks. This project is a step towards making a more resilient and flexible treatment system at Forest Grove.
Sept 2020 – March 2021
Forest Grove Reuse & Electrical Complex – $415K
A new building will be constructed to serve as the electrical feed for new capital projects at the facility, as well as the offices of the Reuse/Fernhill Wetlands Manager and landscape team. Timing for the building will precede the completion of the Secondary Clarifier project and ultraviolet disinfection/effluent pump station (UV /EPS) projects. Construction is expected to be completed by spring of 2021. The building will be 1.5 stories at its highest peak and it will serve as a divide between the treatment facility and the Fern hill Wetlands parking lot.
Aug 2019 – May 2020
Tri-City WWRF Hypochlorite – $420K
Replacement of the plants hypochlorite systems and 6 reuse water pumps.
Dec 2018 – Feb 2020
Hatton Road Pump Station Clackamas River Water – $800K
Construction of new booster pump station with three new 400-HP vertical turbine pumps, related valves, flowmeter, air release valve, instrumentation and analyzers, new electrical supply and controls, a new 1,000 kW generator, all installed within a new concrete masonry unit building, and two surge tanks with integral compressed air system, receiver, controller, and supporting instrumentation, installed within a new concrete masonry unit building, approximately 600 feet of restrained 20” diameter ductile iron waterline, together with all required miscellaneous work and appurtenances.
Sept 2017 – March 2018
Linn Benton Community College – $600K
Mechatronics Building 1A Remodel. Complete demolition and remodel of existing technical industry classrooms and workshops. Some cool scope that S&S was able to accomplish include at completely automated LED lighting system designed by N-Lite, a Fiber Optic infrastructure upgrade, fully integrated Fire Alarm system complete with propriety graphical user interface for LBCC maintenance staff.
Aug 2017 – Feb 2018
McMinnville School District – $250K
Adams Campus Seismic Retrofit. Design assist and construct Seismic upgrade and retrofit of approx. 80,000 sq. ft school house. New LED lighting,
New Fire Alarm System, Access Control and Security upgrades were a few of the scopes that we successfully performed for General Contractor Triplett Wellman.
June 2017 – Sept 2017
McMinnville School District – $390K
Patton Middle School Electrical Panel Upgrades. Replace all Panels and Service Wiring including a 4000-amp Distribution center in a 1,000 student Middle School.
Our largest hurdle that we overcame was the detailed planning and coordination for the construction team as there were multiple power outages to work around or
through during the Summer time construction window. Par Tech Construction from Oregon City was the General Contractor.
Sept 2016 – March 2017
McMinnville School District – $500K
Cook Campus Remodel. Complete remodel of an old 1920 School House into the new District Offices for the McMinnville School District. New offices have new Occupancy
and Daylight Harvesting lighting controls. The DO is also equipped with a new Diesel-Powered Generator and Conference Center that has a full Audio/Visual component that will allow the District Office to double as an Emergency Response center in case of a crisis.
S&S Electrical is efficient in our approach to how we manage our projects. Our company size, (16) sixteen employees, allows us to always have a finger on the pulse of not only our employee, but also our projects and customer base. We believe that having a simple approach in terms of single points of contact, allows our customers to build an expectation of trust and reliability in dealing with S&S. There will never be a question as to whom to speak with regarding an invoice that was incorrect, or who to talk with when you need to get someone scheduled to hook up a Trash Compactor. It will always be the same voice you hear or the same email address in your Outlook. Although we understand that shear size and volume, sometimes necessitate having multiple people doing the same jobs, we at S&S have the luxury of being small enough to maintain a personal and trusting relationship with our customers, but large enough to accomplish most construction tasks or scopes.
We pride ourselves on being available to our customers and developing a trust that comes from being reliable. Our staff’s ability to buy into this philosophy is one of the reasons that our customer base has continued to grow. The personal nature in our approach has helped us to be more knowledgeable of our customers protocols and day to day procedures. That knowledge is always a plus when it comes to organizing and completing various scopes spread across many different construction verticals.
Ben Sullivan is a Supervising Electrician and Owner of S&S Electrical Contractors.
Ben has been licensed in the State of Oregon since 2000. He established himself in the Industrial field of Electrical work before taking a position as a Special Projects Division manager at Dynalectric or Oregon in 2006. In 2010, Ben had enough of the corporate world and decided to open his own Electrical business focused on customer service and Integrity. Ben has supervised the construction of some cool projects through the years. He installed a 40-ton Arc Furnace for Cascade Steel Rolling Mills once. He also supervised the construction of a Casino expansion at Spirit Mountain Casino. The project lasted for 2.5 years because of its size and complexity.
Casey Fuller is a Supervising Electrician.
Licensed in the State of Oregon since 2004. He is proud Christian man that serves on his Church Board. He has done Mission trips focused on construction and helping those in need in India and Mexico. Casey has a beautiful wife and two young children. They are raising their family on a farm in Dallas Oregon, with a focus on sustainable living and helping others. Casey has supervised and constructed numerous electrical projects over his career. He has always excelled in the work place because of his honest approach and his hard work. Some of his recent successes include the Building 1A remodel at LBCC and the supervision of a complete Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade at a Middle School in McMinnville. Under Casey’s supervision, S&S was able to deliver that Summer time project to the owner ahead of schedule. S&S will always support and allow Casey the freedom to help in whatever ways he can to make your team more successful. He can help with design, answer questions and advise as needed.